Spectral Waves

Disclaimer, Copyright,

Spectral Waves is an author of on-line financial graphic tool

Disclaimer, No warranty, Copyright

​Spectral Waves (thereafter Spectral) is a publisher of on-line financial graphics as well as an independent research company. The opinions are available on its website www.spectralwaves.com and are not intended to be a forecast of future events and this is no guarantee of any future result. Nobody can perfectly predict the future (including market crashes). Past trends are not necessarily a guarantee of future trends. Spectral is a tool which helps you to mitigate risk on financial markets (for example on stocks, bonds, commodities). Although Spectral warns you of the risks involved with any financial transactions. Spectral users must be aware that chances of winning are in no way guaranteed and potential of losses may be very significant. Spectral opinions do not constitute a solicitation or offer, or recommendation to acquire or dispose of any investment or to engage in any other transaction. Any reference to a transaction, trade, position, holding, security, market, or level is purely meant to educate readers about our methodology as well as possible risks and opportunities in the marketplace and are not meant to imply that any person or entity should take any action whatsoever without first evaluating such action(s) in light of their own situation either on their own or through a professional advisor. To establish its statistical analysis, Spectral relies on data provided by first class outside providers. However, Spectral does not guarantee the accuracy and continuity of the published data. Spectral Waves is not liable for any loss or damages, consequential or otherwise, which may arise from the use or reliance of the any information or content in its publications or available on its websites. Hence, neither you can nor may hold for certain analysis and interpretations provided in Spectral’s publications or its websites. Any financial transaction you may instruct is at your own risks. You cannot claim nor obtain from Spectral compensation or indemnification for your damages (for example, incidental or consequential damages, losses, unrealized gains, liabilities, Spectral’s service fee). If a person or entity does not believe they are qualified to make such decisions, they should seek professional advice. The prices listed are for reference only and are in no way intended to represent an actual trade. This information is not a substitute for professional advice of any nature, including tax, legal, and financial.
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